Thursday, August 8, 2013

Eating in France

It's true; food in France is better.  I don't know what they do, but EVERYTHING tastes better!
Dessert crepes.

Rustic galette.


At the market.


Rotisserie chicken.

Market spices.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mackinaw Wedding

Mom and I went up north this weekend, and this is what we saw in Mackinaw City.

Yep, we Michiganians just love our Bridge!

Provencal Light

Ah, the infamous light of Provence, for which countless artists traveled to paint.  I was expecting a soft, golden glow. 
No, this light is neither soft, nor golden.  It is harsh.  Unrelenting.

It's not this light that is special; it's what this light does to the objects on which it falls.

To me, this just looks like Michigan in August . . .