Monday, June 20, 2011

Roll Me Away

At a party I attended over the weekend, the graduate asked her uncle for a ride on his Harley Davidson. When they got back, her great-grandmother, 86, was waiting for her turn.
People fussed and prepped and worried, but Grandma slid behind her grandson with ease. Everyone was riveted, knowing this was something you don't get to see everyday. Fully aware of the stir she was causing among the guests, Grandma threw us a quick wave.
I'm glad I got to witness it.


This will be my reward for getting another semester behind me.
Becky & I are headed to Beantown in a couple weeks. I'm so excited about seeing all the historical sites, walking the Freedom Trail and taking a tour of Boston Harbor in one of the tall ships! Oh, yeah, AND THE SEAFOOD!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Losing Interest

Remind me, please, why I think I need this degree?
I want to be out kayaking, heading up north, taking road trips. It feels silly to be writing term papers at the age of 47 . . .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rural Landscapes

Sometimes I forget how rural my hometown is. When I was a kid, we lived "in town," so it's easy to think that you're not from the country. Yet, Michigan's southeast corner is all country.
I was in my 30's and working in Toledo when my school was closed one day in early spring because the busses couldn't get down the muddy roads. My Toledo coworkers were all hooting and hollering about my little hick town, with the dirt roads. I had no idea what they were talking about.
Hasn't everyone had to push their school bus out of the mud?